Acebandage, Aeon Grey, & Daniel Heavens: BandageYourHeavensGrey EP (Free Download)
A few moments ago I posted Manned Missiles' 2DMan EP. Here's the second free EP of the day from Central Standard Records. This one came with no official artwork, so I just posted a picture of Aeon Grey. The BandageYourHeavensGrey EP is a collaboration between Acebandage, Aeon Grey and Daniel Heavens. Four songs composed over an eight hour time period, it is a spontaneous piece of work created in Des Moines Iowa. Travelling through the Midwest Bandage and Daniel found themselves on Iowa highways with no real destination but home. Stopping in Des Moines for a quick rest turned into an overnight marathon of writing and recording. All lyrics were written and recorded during the stay over production provided by Acebandage and Aeon.
Acebandage: Aeon Grey, & Daniel Heavens: BandageYourHeavensGrey EP
just came here and grabbed the manned missles ep, went and made breakfast and by the time im back another free ep? thanks its a good day i guess
No doubt!
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