Friday, November 14, 2008

Lupe Fiasco: LupEND Freestyle (Video)

I am at work right now, and can't listen to this, so I have no idea if it's good or not. I suppose it could be a huge piece of shit. My apologies if it is.
Update: So I've finally had the chance to watch this. You may notice he doesn't really spit many bars here. What he's saying is "I'll be everywhere, I'll be nowhere but I'm really down here." This is in reference to his rumored third and final album, LupEND, which has been news for a while, but I'm not sure if I've mentioned it yet. Lupe claims it will be a three-disc release. The first disc will be called "Everywhere," the second "Nowhere," and the third "Down Here." This concept could be dope if he puts together enough good songs (No Blueprint 2). I also doubt it will be his final album, as Lupe has grown in to one of the bigger acts in hip-hop. The suits at Atlantic Records will never let him get off so easy.

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